Recent Water Damage Posts

How to Maintain Your Home During a Heat Wave to Prevent Water Damage

7/15/2024 (Permalink)

Gutter maintenance Gutter maintenance is just one of the ways you can protect your home during the summer heat waves

As the summer heat intensifies, homeowners face the challenge of maintaining their homes during prolonged heat waves. While most people focus on staying cool, it’s equally important to consider the impact of extreme heat on your home’s infrastructure, particularly when it comes to preventing water damage. Here are some essential tips to help you safeguard your home during a heat wave and minimize the risk of water damage.

1. Inspect and Maintain Your Air Conditioning System

Why It's Important: During a heat wave, your air conditioning system works overtime to keep your home cool. A poorly maintained system can leak, leading to potential water damage.


  • Check for Leaks: Inspect the area around your air conditioning unit for any signs of leaks or water accumulation.
  • Clean the Condensate Drain: Ensure the condensate drain line is clear of clogs to prevent overflow.
  • Replace Filters: Change air filters regularly to maintain optimal performance and prevent blockages.

2. Monitor Humidity Levels

Why It's Important: High humidity levels inside your home can lead to condensation, which can cause water damage over time, especially in areas like basements and attics.


  • Use a Dehumidifier: Place dehumidifiers in areas prone to high humidity to keep moisture levels in check.
  • Ventilate Properly: Ensure proper ventilation in bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms to reduce indoor humidity.

3. Check Your Roof and Gutters

Why It's Important: Heat waves can exacerbate existing issues with your roof and gutters, leading to leaks and water damage during unexpected summer storms.


  • Inspect for Damage: Look for cracked, missing, or damaged shingles on your roof and repair them promptly.
  • Clean Gutters: Remove debris from gutters and downspouts to ensure proper drainage and prevent water from pooling around your foundation.

4. Examine Windows and Doors

Why It's Important: Improperly sealed windows and doors can allow humid air to enter your home, increasing the risk of condensation and water damage.


  • Seal Gaps: Check for and seal any gaps or cracks around windows and doors with weatherstripping or caulk.
  • Install Window Film: Consider using window film to reduce heat gain and protect your home’s interior from UV rays.

5. Inspect Plumbing Systems

Why It's Important: Extreme heat can cause pipes to expand and contract, leading to leaks or bursts, especially in older plumbing systems.


  • Check for Leaks: Regularly inspect exposed pipes for signs of leaks or corrosion.
  • Insulate Pipes: Insulate pipes in unconditioned spaces to protect them from temperature fluctuations.

6. Maintain Landscaping

Why It's Important: Improper landscaping can direct water towards your home’s foundation, increasing the risk of water damage during heavy rains.


  • Grade Your Yard: Ensure the ground slopes away from your home to direct water runoff away from the foundation.
  • Trim Vegetation: Keep trees and shrubs trimmed to prevent roots from interfering with plumbing and drainage systems.

7. Prepare for Storms

Why It's Important: Heat waves often precede summer storms, which can lead to sudden and heavy rainfall, increasing the risk of water damage.


  • Check Sump Pumps: Ensure your sump pump is in working order and consider installing a battery backup in case of power outages.
  • Create an Emergency Kit: Have an emergency kit ready with essentials like flashlights, batteries, and a first aid kit in case of severe weather.

By taking these proactive steps, you can effectively maintain your home during a heat wave and minimize the risk of water damage. If you do encounter water damage, remember that SERVPRO of Lawrence is here to help with professional restoration services to get your home back to its best condition.

For more information on preventing water damage or to schedule a service, contact SERVPRO of Lawrence today. Stay cool and stay safe!

Essential Safety Tips for Summer Storms: Protect Your Home and Office

6/14/2024 (Permalink)

rain storm and over flowing gutters When rain storms hit, be prepared.

Summer storms can be both awe-inspiring and hazardous. While watching a storm from the safety of your home can be a thrilling experience, it’s crucial to take steps to protect your property and ensure the safety of everyone inside. Here are some vital safety tips to follow before, during, and after a storm.

Before the Storm

  1. Have an Emergency Supply Kit

    • Stock up on essentials such as water, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, first aid supplies, and any necessary medications.
  2. Develop a Communication Plan

    • Make sure all family members know how to contact each other and where to meet if separated during the storm.
  3. Unplug Electrical Equipment

    • Disconnect devices to protect them from power surges and reduce the risk of electrical fires.
  4. Secure Outdoor Objects

    • Bring in or tie down outdoor furniture, trash cans, and other objects that could become projectiles in strong winds.
  5. Stay Inside a Building or Hard-Top Vehicle

    • Ensure that everyone is inside a safe structure or a hard-top vehicle to avoid injury from flying debris.
  6. Secure Windows and Doors

    • Close and lock all windows and doors, and consider using storm shutters or plywood to protect against broken glass.

During the Storm

  1. Use a Battery Operated Radio

    • Keep a battery-operated radio on hand for weather updates and emergency alerts in case of power outages.
  2. Avoid Contact with Electrical Equipment

    • Do not touch electrical appliances or devices, as they can pose a shock risk during a storm.
  3. Avoid Contact with Water

    • Do not bathe, shower, wash dishes, or have any other contact with water, as plumbing can conduct electricity.
  4. Stay Away from Windows and Doors

    • Keep a safe distance from windows and doors to avoid injury from broken glass or flying debris.

After the Storm

  1. Do Not Touch Downed Wires

    • Treat all downed wires as live and dangerous. Report them to the utility company immediately.
  2. Do Not Drive Through Flooded Roadways

    • Avoid driving through standing water, as it may be deeper than it appears and can cause vehicles to stall or be swept away.
  3. Stay Away from Storm-Damaged Areas

    • Avoid areas with visible damage, as they may be unstable or hazardous.

Stay Safe and Be Prepared

Remember, if your property does suffer damage, SERVPRO of Lawrence is here to help with expert restoration services to make it "Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO of Lawrence would love the opportunity to work with you to make it “Like it never even happened.”

3/28/2022 (Permalink)


WATER… that amazing property that can be a liquid, solid or a gas. We need water to wash dishes, do laundry, shower, cook… the list could go on and on. But in the winter when temperatures drop, that liquid can quickly turn to solid ice and cause havoc in our plumbing. Outlined below are the 3 main causes of frozen pipes as well as ways to prevent pipes from freezing when the bitter cold strikes.

The 3 main causes of frozen pipes are:

  1. Quick drops in temperature
  2. Poor insulation
  3. Thermostat too low

Quick drops in temperature

We can’t control Jack Frost but we can take actions to prevent pipes from bursting when he puts us under a cold spell. Did you know a frozen garden hose can actually burst an indoor pipe? When the water in the hose freezes, it expands, increasing pressure throughout the whole plumbing system. Garden hoses should be disconnected, drained, and stored before the first freeze.

Close the interior shut-off valve leading to outside faucets, open and drain the spigot, and install a faucet insulator. Don’t forget, outdoor kitchens need winterizing, too, to prevent damage.

Poor Insulation

Exposed pipes are most susceptible to freezing so be sure to insulate pipes in your attic or crawl space even if you live where freezing is uncommon. Consider installing products made to insulate water pipes like a "pipe sleeve," "heat tape," or similar materials on exposed water pipes. Newspaper can provide some degree of insulation and protection to exposed pipes.

Thermostat too low

Keep the thermostat set to the same temperature both during the day and at night. By momentarily suspending the use of lower nighttime temperatures, you may incur a higher heating bill, but you can prevent a much more costly repair job if pipes freeze and burst.

If you are planning to head south for the winter, make sure the furnace is set to no lower than 55 degrees. Shut off the main water supply and drain the system by opening all faucets and flushing the toilets. In extreme situations (a vacation home in a bitterly cold climate), you may want to have a plumber come to inspect the system.

If you find yourself in the middle of disaster, our trained, certified professionals are just a phone call away. We are available 24/7/365 and we work with your insurance company to manage the process and paperwork. SERVPRO of Lawrence would love the opportunity to work with you to make it “Like it never even happened.”

Cold Weather coming to Dracut, MA

11/15/2021 (Permalink)

Cold weather can have a huge impact on your home or business in Dracut, MA, if you are not properly prepared. Whether it is heavy rain, freezing temperatures, damaging winds, sleet or snow, all can cause serious property damage. While you can't control the weather, you can take steps to be prepared, and help take the sting out of winter weather. Cold weather brings out cold, flu and other COVID-19 symptoms. SERVPRO of Lawrence can help with all your cleaning and disinfecting needs as well as water damage restoration!

To help prevent costly damages due to weather, consider taking the following precautions before winter weather hits.

  • Check your home for downed tree limbs. Weather, such as wind, heavy rain, ice and snow, can cause branches to fall, which could cause damage to the property and potentially cause personal injuries.
  • Roofs, water pipes and gutters should all be inspected to ensure they are in proper order. Gutter downspouts should be directed away from your Clear gutters of debris that may have gathered during the fall. Leaves and other obstructions can lead to a damming effect, causing roof damage and interior water problems.
  • Inspect property, especially walkways and parking lots, for proper drainage to alleviate flood hazard. 
  • Inspect all hand rails, stairwells and entryways to address and correct potential slippery or hazardous areas. Install mats or non-slip surfaces and post caution signs where water could be present.
  • Protect water pipes from freezing by simply allowing water to drip when temperatures dip below If pipes are under a cabinet, leave the cabinet doors open allowing warm inside air to circulate around the pipes. If the building has outdoor faucets, consider shutting water off at the main valve in the basement or crawl space. Once the valve is off, open the outdoor faucet to ensure it drains, preventing any remaining water from freezing in the pipe

SERVPRO® of Lawrence is here to help you when disaster strikes. We are only a all away, 978-688-2242.

Important Fall Tips

11/15/2021 (Permalink)

Here are the final tips to helping you and your home in Methuen, MA safe this fall!

15 Simple Fall Preparation Tips

  1. Prepare your entryway for mud and snow
    Having a place to store wet jackets and boots is a way to ensure it won’t make it into the house, causing more cleanup work for you.
  2. Inspect your rook for leaks
    There is nothing worse for a homeowner than a leaking roof. To help keep small issues from turning into bigger disasters, inspect your roof using binoculars, to check for damaged or missing shingles. Also make sure your gutters are flowing freely of sticks and leaves.
  3. Check your walkways and foundation
    Damaged walkways, driveways, and steps are a hazard year-round, but their dangers are compounded when the weather turns cold and icy. Fixing problems in the fall is also critical to preventing bigger. More expensive headaches come springtime.
  4. Check windows and doors for drafts
    Remove screens and replace with storm windows/doors if you use them. Check seals around all doors and windows and caulk/insulate if necessary.
  5. Organize the shed
    Move summer items to the back and winter stuff up front for better access. Doing this early will be helpful if snow or ice show up sooner than expected.
  6. Leaf removal
    Rake and remove leaves from the yard in the fall to help save you a step in the spring. Check with your local city or town for requirements and pick up schedules.
  7. Turn off outdoor faucets and store hoses
    Disconnect and drain any outside hoses you have used over the spring/summer to water gardens and lawns. Shut off exterior faucets to help prevent frozen pipes if a deep freeze were to occur in your area.

We at SERVPRO® of Lawrence hope you find these tips helpful. 978-688-2242

Fall Tips part 2

11/15/2021 (Permalink)

5 Simple Fall Preparation Tips

The cooler mornings and nights mixed with warmer days makes for wonderful color changes in Lawrence, Methuen, and Dracut, MA. While you are out leaf peeping, enjoy cider donuts, and picking pumpkins your home will also need some attention to ensure its ready for the cold on the horizon. The weather can change quickly, and a bit of preparation now could save you from aggregation and costly repairs later.

Below are 15 items for you to consider when preparing your home for fall.

  1. Reprogram the thermostat
    Keep the house warm when people are active, but don’t be afraid to lower the temperature when the family is sleeping or at work/school for the day.
  2. Remove air conditioner(s)
    If you do not have the luxury of central air conditioning, be sure to remove any window units you placed in the windows over the hot summer. This will eliminate the cooler air from entering your home causing your heating source to work harder.
  3. Close the pool
    If you have a pool and close it when the temperature drops, schedule a service or if you are handy, buy the supplies and do it yourself.
  4. Clean your furnace and replace the filters
    Check your furnace for soot, and pilot light health. This is also a great time to switch out your filters; clean air is important when the house is closed for winter.
  5. Inspect your fireplace and have it cleaned
    If you have a fireplace and plan on using it as the weather turns colder, have your chimney cleaned and inspected by a professional.
  6. Insulate your pipes for the winter
    As temperatures drop below freezing, standing water in your pipes can start to freeze. By adding foam covers you can help insulate and protect your pipes.
  7. Clean and prepare your outdoor furniture
    Clean and store seasonal outdoor furniture in a safe place. Cover with a tarp to protect it from snow, ice, and cold. If you have removable cushions, consider storing them indoors to help them last longer.
  8. Check your water heater
    Your water heater has a lot of work to doin fall and winter. If you haven’t inspected your water heater lately, it may be time to clean it out or have it serviced. Overtime, it can get loaded with sediment, or other problems may arise that reduce its efficiency.

Stay tuned for the other tips to follow!! In the meantime - call SERVPRO of Lawrence with any further questions 978.688.2242

Certified Makes a Difference

11/1/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Lawrence is an IICRC firm. The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) creates the standards for the restoration industry and provides training and certification to restoration companies. IICRC Certified Firms have the right to display the IICRC Certified Logo.

IICRC Certified Firms must

  • Present accurate information to consumers and conduct business with honesty and integrity.
  • Require a technician on all jobs who has been formally trained and passed all required tests.
  • Require a continuing education program to keep technicians up-to-date on the latest changes in the industry.
  • Maintain liability insurance to protect all parties in the event of an accident.
  • Maintain a written complaint policy and agree to Better Business Bureau or similar arbitration to resolve disputes, and accept the conclusions and recommendations of arbitration.

The IICRC Develops The Standards For The Restoration Industry

The IICRC has been the driving force in establishing the main industry standards and reference guides for professional carpet cleaning, water damage restoration and mold remediation. These IICRC standards take years to develop and require the coordination of experts in the field: manufacturers, industry organizations, insurance professionals, training schools, contractors, and public health professionals.

Every five years, the standards are reviewed and updated. The water damage restoration field changes rapidly with advancements in technology and science, and therefore the standards must evolve to keep pace.

About SERVPRO of Lawrence

SERVPRO of Lawrence specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration and we are an IICRC Certified Firm. We believe in continuous training: from initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Meet Our Crew


Why you Should leave your Dracut Home to the Pros!

9/22/2021 (Permalink)

In today’s competitive environment, it is vital to be seen as a great service provider. SERVPRO® of Lawrence can help ensure complete customer satisfaction and treat the customers and their contents with the utmost respect. We work hard to help you be the hero to your customers.

SERVPRO® of Lawrence understands the importance of maintaining property value and will work hard to minimize the damage and restore the property to its preloss condition, which may ultimately mean a higher resale value and higher commission on the sale.

An independent study conducted by C&R Research, a third party research company, concludes, “We have seen that the appearance of SERVPRO® is reassuring to the homeowners. Its professional appearance and detailed explanations

tend to put the homeowners at ease and give them the feeling that their homes will be restored.

SERVPRO’s commitment, training and successful system has helped the Franchise System win Entrepreneur Magazine’s number one ranking in the restoration services category for the eight consecutive years.

SERVPRO® understands that a customer’s home is often their most valuable asset and will work hard to help them protect their investment.

SERVPRO can be reached at 978.688.2242

Happy to Serve Our Dracut, MA customers!

7/29/2021 (Permalink)

Working for SERVPRO, a leader in the water restoration and recovery industry, can be demanding. Having to deal with real life emergencies on a daily basis takes a toll on people. Its customers like the one featured below, that make all the challenges worth it and reminds us why we keep doing what we do; SERVPRO is HERE TO HELP!

A women called in to report a pipe break in her new home in Dracut, MA. She had just moved from Methuen, MA and was so upset that her new beautiful home has suffered a water damage. SERVPRO of Lawrence started the remediation process immediately and was able to dry everything in place without any extended demolition. This homeowner was so grateful for our timely response and expertise she sent a huge bouquet of flowers to our office as a personal thank you for our services. 

Everyone at SERVPRO is so grateful to play even a small role in help home and business owners recover from damages caused by burst pipes or floods. No job is too big or small for SERVPRO of Lawrence. Please call us today at 978.688.2242 and ask about how we can help you!

Flooded Basement, Make SERVPRO of Lawrence your first call!

2/3/2021 (Permalink)

A basement can flood at any time, although flooding most often occurs during heavy rainfall. Basements are inherently prone to flooding because they are the lowest level of a building and are normally built partly or entirely below ground level. There are a number of reasons why your Lawrence, Methuen, or Dracut basement could flood, including: 

  • A blocked or failed sewer lateral pipe
  • Heavy rain causes surface water to pool around your home
  • Storm sewer backup
  • Sanitary sewer backup
  • Foundation drainage failure
  • Water supply-line break or hot-water tank failure
  • And many more

Have Questions about Basement Flooding?

Call Today - 978-688-2242

If flood water is not handled quickly and properly, it can jeopardize your health and safety, and cause severe damage to your home’s structure. Remember, the longer you wait, the worse the problem will get.

The bottom line: a flooded basement can jeopardize your health, safety, and your home’s integrity. It’s worth making a call to SERVPRO of Lawrence and let our trained, professional crews handle the situation safely and correctly. We have earned the trust of hundreds of homeowners, business owners, and property professionals.

We are Flooded Basement Specialists:

  • We are Available 24 hours/7 days per week
  • We’re a Preferred Vendor to many National Insurance Companies
  • We Bill The Insurance Directly – One Less Thing For You To Worry About
  • Our Technicians are Highly-Trained  in Water Restoration Techniques
  • We use s500 IICRC Restoration Standards
  • Advanced Inspection and Extraction Equipment

Call us for assistance in cleaning your flooded basement at 978-688-2242

Easy Fall Tips to Help Keep You Safe PT 1

11/2/2020 (Permalink)

15 Simple Fall Preparation Tips

The cooler mornings and nights mixed with warmer days makes for wonderful color changes in Lawrence, Methuen, and Dracut, MA. While you are out leaf peeping, enjoy cider donuts, and picking pumpkins your home will also need some attention to ensure its ready for the cold on the horizon. The weather can change quickly, and a bit of preparation now could save you from aggregation and costly repairs later.

Below are 15 items for you to consider when preparing your home for fall.

  1. Reprogram the thermostat
    Keep the house warm when people are active, but don’t be afraid to lower the temperature when the family is sleeping or at work/school for the day.
  2. Remove air conditioner(s)
    If you do not have the luxury of central air conditioning, be sure to remove any window units you placed in the windows over the hot summer. This will eliminate the cooler air from entering your home causing your heating source to work harder.
  3. Close the pool
    If you have a pool and close it when the temperature drops, schedule a service or if you are handy, buy the supplies and do it yourself.
  4. Clean your furnace and replace the filters
    Check your furnace for soot, and pilot light health. This is also a great time to switch out your filters; clean air is important when the house is closed for winter.
  5. Inspect your fireplace and have it cleaned
    If you have a fireplace and plan on using it as the weather turns colder, have your chimney cleaned and inspected by a professional.
  6. Insulate your pipes for the winter
    As temperatures drop below freezing, standing water in your pipes can start to freeze. By adding foam covers you can help insulate and protect your pipes.
  7. Clean and prepare your outdoor furniture
    Clean and store seasonal outdoor furniture in a safe place. Cover with a tarp to protect it from snow, ice, and cold. If you have removable cushions, consider storing them indoors to help them last longer.
  8. Check your water heater
    Your water heater has a lot of work to doin fall and winter. If you haven’t inspected your water heater lately, it may be time to clean it out or have it serviced. Overtime, it can get loaded with sediment, or other problems may arise that reduce its efficiency.

Stay tuned for the other tips to follow!! In the meantime - call SERVPRO of Lawrence with any further questions 978.688.2242

Easy Fall Tips to Help Keep You Safe PT 2

11/2/2020 (Permalink)

Here are the final tips to helping you and your home in Methuen, MA safe this fall!

15 Simple Fall Preparation Tips

  1. Prepare your entryway for mud and snow
    Having a place to store wet jackets and boots is a way to ensure it won’t make it into the house, causing more cleanup work for you.
  2. Inspect your rook for leaks
    There is nothing worse for a homeowner than a leaking roof. To help keep small issues from turning into bigger disasters, inspect your roof using binoculars, to check for damaged or missing shingles. Also make sure your gutters are flowing freely of sticks and leaves.
  3. Check your walkways and foundation
    Damaged walkways, driveways, and steps are a hazard year-round, but their dangers are compounded when the weather turns cold and icy. Fixing problems in the fall is also critical to preventing bigger. More expensive headaches come springtime.
  4. Check windows and doors for drafts
    Remove screens and replace with storm windows/doors if you use them. Check seals around all doors and windows and caulk/insulate if necessary.
  5. Organize the shed
    Move summer items to the back and winter stuff up front for better access. Doing this early will be helpful if snow or ice show up sooner than expected.
  6. Leaf removal
    Rake and remove leaves from the yard in the fall to help save you a step in the spring. Check with your local city or town for requirements and pick up schedules.
  7. Turn off outdoor faucets and store hoses
    Disconnect and drain any outside hoses you have used over the spring/summer to water gardens and lawns. Shut off exterior faucets to help prevent frozen pipes if a deep freeze were to occur in your area.

We at SERVPRO® of Lawrence hope you find these tips helpful. 978-688-2242

Cold Weather Brings Trouble

11/2/2020 (Permalink)

Cold weather can have a huge impact on your home or business in Dracut, MA, if you are not properly prepared. Whether it is heavy rain, freezing temperatures, damaging winds, sleet or snow, all can cause serious property damage. While you can't control the weather, you can take steps to be prepared, and help take the sting out of winter weather. Cold weather brings out cold, flu and other COVID-19 symptoms. SERVPRO of Lawrence can help with all your cleaning and disinfecting needs as well as water damage restoration!

To help prevent costly damages due to weather, consider taking the following precautions before winter weather hits.

  • Check your home for downed tree limbs. Weather, such as wind, heavy rain, ice and snow, can cause branches to fall, which could cause damage to the property and potentially cause personal injuries.
  • Roofs, water pipes and gutters should all be inspected to ensure they are in proper order. Gutter downspouts should be directed away from your Clear gutters of debris that may have gathered during the fall. Leaves and other obstructions can lead to a damming effect, causing roof damage and interior water problems.
  • Inspect property, especially walkways and parking lots, for proper drainage to alleviate flood hazard. 
  • Inspect all hand rails, stairwells and entryways to address and correct potential slippery or hazardous areas. Install mats or non-slip surfaces and post caution signs where water could be present.
  • Protect water pipes from freezing by simply allowing water to drip when temperatures dip below If pipes are under a cabinet, leave the cabinet doors open allowing warm inside air to circulate around the pipes. If the building has outdoor faucets, consider shutting water off at the main valve in the basement or crawl space. Once the valve is off, open the outdoor faucet to ensure it drains, preventing any remaining water from freezing in the pipe

SERVPRO® of Lawrence is here to help you when disaster strikes. We are only a all away, 978-688-2242.

Why SERVPRO should handle my clean up?

7/15/2020 (Permalink)

In today’s competitive environment, it is vital to be seen as a great service provider. SERVPRO® of Lawrence can help ensure complete customer satisfaction and treat the customers and their contents with the utmost respect. We work hard to help you be the hero to your customers.

SERVPRO® of Lawrence understands the importance of maintaining property value and will work hard to minimize the damage and restore the property to its preloss condition, which may ultimately mean a higher resale value and higher commission on the sale.

An independent study conducted by C&R Research, a third party research company, concludes, “We have seen that the appearance of SERVPRO® is reassuring to the homeowners. Its professional appearance and detailed explanations

tend to put the homeowners at ease and give them the feeling that their homes will be restored.

SERVPRO’s commitment, training and successful system has helped the Franchise System win Entrepreneur Magazine’s number one ranking in the restoration services category for the eight consecutive years.

SERVPRO® understands that a customer’s home is often their most valuable asset and will work hard to help them protect their investment.

Helping Our Dracut, MA Community

7/14/2020 (Permalink)

Working for SERVPRO, a leader in the water restoration and recovery industry, can be demanding. Having to deal with real life emergencies on a daily basis takes a toll on people. Its customers like the one featured below, that make all the challenges worth it and reminds us why we keep doing what we do; SERVPRO is HERE TO HELP!

A women called in to report a pipe break in her new home in Dracut, MA. She had just moved from Methuen, MA and was so upset that her new beautiful home has suffered a water damage. SERVPRO of Lawrence started the remediation process immediately and was able to dry everything in place without any extended demolition. This homeowner was so grateful for our timely response and expertise she sent a huge bouquet of flowers to our office as a personal thank you for our services. 

Everyone at SERVPRO is so grateful to play even a small role in help home and business owners recover from damages caused by burst pipes or floods. No job is too big or small for SERVPRO of Lawrence. Please call us today at 978.688.2242 and ask about how we can help you!

Water v. Mold When It Comes to Insurance Coverage

6/10/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Lawrence was inspecting a home in Dracut, MA last week after a customer called in complaining about a musty smell in of their closets. Once SERVPRO arrived on site we noticed the homeowner had started doing some exploratory demolition and found black, microbial growth behind their drywall and on the interior insulation. Rightful so, homeowner was visible upset explaining how scare they were about the price since they know they don't have mold coverage and will have to pay for this out of pocket. SERVPRO's Production Manager put them at ease telling them we would help them in anyway they could to fix this and started their visual inspection. Using professional moisture meters and thermal imaging camera, SERVPRO was able to find high levels of moisture and an active water leak. This claim was submitted to the insurance and the homeowner was covered, saving them thousands of dollars out of pocket! 

Always remember SERVPRO offers free estimates and works with all major insurance companies! Call us today SERVPRO of Lawrence 978.688.2242

Flooded Basement? Call SERVPRO

2/3/2020 (Permalink)

A basement can flood at any time, although flooding most often occurs during heavy rainfall. Basements are inherently prone to flooding because they are the lowest level of a building and are normally built partly or entirely below ground level. There are a number of reasons why your Lawrence, Methuen, or Dracut basement could flood, including: 

  • A blocked or failed sewer lateral pipe
  • Heavy rain causes surface water to pool around your home
  • Storm sewer backup
  • Sanitary sewer backup
  • Foundation drainage failure
  • Water supply-line break or hot-water tank failure
  • And many more

Have Questions about Basement Flooding?

Call Today - 978-688-2242

If flood water is not handled quickly and properly, it can jeopardize your health and safety, and cause severe damage to your home’s structure. Remember, the longer you wait, the worse the problem will get.

The bottom line: a flooded basement can jeopardize your health, safety, and your home’s integrity. It’s worth making a call to SERVPRO of Lawrence and let our trained, professional crews handle the situation safely and correctly. We have earned the trust of hundreds of homeowners, business owners, and property professionals.

We are Flooded Basement Specialists:

  • We are Available 24 hours/7 days per week
  • We’re a Preferred Vendor to many National Insurance Companies
  • We Bill The Insurance Directly – One Less Thing For You To Worry About
  • Our Technicians are Highly-Trained  in Water Restoration Techniques
  • We use s500 IICRC Restoration Standards
  • Advanced Inspection and Extraction Equipment

Call us for assistance in cleaning your flooded basement at 978-688-2242

Simple Fall Preparation Tips

10/30/2019 (Permalink)

Stay safe and happy this fall!

15 Simple Fall Preparation Tips

The cooler mornings and nights mixed with warmer days makes for wonderful color changes in New England. While you are out leaf peeping, enjoy cider donuts, and picking pumpkins your home will also need some attention to ensure its ready for the cold on the horizon. The weather can change quickly, and a bit of preparation now could save you from aggregation and costly repairs later.

Below are 15 items for you to consider when preparing your home for fall.

  1. Reprogram the thermostat
    Keep the house warm when people are active, but don’t be afraid to lower the temperature when the family is sleeping or at work/school for the day.
  2. Remove air conditioner(s)
    If you do not have the luxury of central air conditioning, be sure to remove any window units you placed in the windows over the hot summer. This will eliminate the cooler air from entering your home causing your heating source to work harder.
  3. Close the pool
    If you have a pool and close it when the temperature drops, schedule a service or if you are handy, buy the supplies and do it yourself.
  4. Clean your furnace and replace the filters
    Check your furnace for soot, and pilot light health. This is also a great time to switch out your filters; clean air is important when the house is closed for winter.
  5. Inspect your fireplace and have it cleaned
    If you have a fireplace and plan on using it as the weather turns colder, have your chimney cleaned and inspected by a professional.
  6. Insulate your pipes for the winter
    As temperatures drop below freezing, standing water in your pipes can start to freeze. By adding foam covers you can help insulate and protect your pipes.
  7. Clean and prepare your outdoor furniture
    Clean and store seasonal outdoor furniture in a safe place. Cover with a tarp to protect it from snow, ice, and cold. If you have removable cushions, consider storing them indoors to help them last longer.
  8. Check your water heater
    Your water heater has a lot of work to doin fall and winter. If you haven’t inspected your water heater lately, it may be time to clean it out or have it serviced. Overtime, it can get loaded with sediment, or other problems may arise that reduce its efficiency.
  9. Prepare your entryway for mud and snow
    Having a place to store wet jackets and boots is a way to ensure it won’t make it into the house, causing more cleanup work for you.
  10. Inspect your rook for leaks
    There is nothing worse for a homeowner than a leaking roof. To help keep small issues from turning into bigger disasters, inspect your roof using binoculars, to check for damaged or missing shingles. Also make sure your gutters are flowing freely of sticks and leaves.
  11. Check your walkways and foundation
    Damaged walkways, driveways, and steps are a hazard year-round, but their dangers are compounded when the weather turns cold and icy. Fixing problems in the fall is also critical to preventing bigger. More expensive headaches come springtime.
  12. Check windows and doors for drafts
    Remove screens and replace with storm windows/doors if you use them. Check seals around all doors and windows and caulk/insulate if necessary.
  13. Organize the shed
    Move summer items to the back and winter stuff up front for better access. Doing this early will be helpful if snow or ice show up sooner than expected.
  14. Leaf removal
    Rake and remove leaves from the yard in the fall to help save you a step in the spring. Check with your local city or town for requirements and pick up schedules.
  15. Turn off outdoor faucets and store hoses
    Disconnect and drain any outside hoses you have used over the spring/summer to water gardens and lawns. Shut off exterior faucets to help prevent frozen pipes if a deep freeze were to occur in your area.

We at SERVPRO® of Lawrence hope you find these tips helpful.

Water and Your Business

10/21/2019 (Permalink)

When your Office needs help, call the cleanup team at SERVPRO!

There’s no such thing as a small disaster when water comes into your business. Water can contain bacteria or cause mold, rot, and other unseen damages. While you may want to clean up the water yourself without professional help, consider how the hidden damage could affect your commercial property.

The employees at SERVPRO® of Salem/Plaistow understand how disruptive water damage can be to your business. We are trained and equipped to manage the drying process from start to finish. By using the proper equipment and moisture measuring devices, your business will be quickly and thoroughly dried to industry standards which will help prevent secondary damages. Our rapid response time, professionally trained crews and full line of state-of-the-art equipment, will help you regain control by ensuring your facility and its contents are properly dried, deodorized, and protected.

Before you risk further damaging the value of your commercial facility by attempting to clean the mess yourself, call your local water damage cleanup and restoration professionals at 978.688.2242. Whether you’re responsible for 1,000 square feet or 100,000 square feet we are the trusted, local leaders in the restoration industry. 

Speeding up Mother Nature

10/21/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO's Clean Up Team using the latest technology.

So often we hear “Can’t control Mother Nature;” But what if you could speed up the process of drying when your home or business suffers an unfortunate event such as water damage from putting out a fire or burst water pipe. Did you know there is an actual science behind the process of drying? Before reaching for the towels, a mop, and a few fans, read on to learn more about this process.

Psychometrics is essential to restoring a water damaged structure to it preloss condition. The SERVPRO® of Lawrence professionals are trained in this science of drying and follow strict industry approved standards to help lower the chances of secondary damages. We will:

  • Inspect the building to detect every component that is wet to help prevent secondary damage from happening.
  • Measure how much moisture is in wet materials and monitor whether the materials are drying properly.
  • Speed up Mother Nature by using professional drying equipment.

What does it mean to “speed up Mother Nature”? A wet building can often dry naturally because the environment always seeks equilibrium. When materials are wet, moisture will naturally move to drier air at the surface of the material, but only if the air is drier. The problem here is nature often takes too long and secondary damages may occur while the building is drying out.

Thankfully, the SERVPRO® of Lawrence professionals have the tools and equipment to help Mother Nature along to dry tough to reach places, hardwood floors, inside walls, and so much more. Using state of the art monitoring equipment and a proven scientific process we help speed up the drying process in your home or business. With the help of technology and our proprietary tool DryBookTM Mobile, you have the ability to know exactly where your property is in the drying process. 

The bottom line? SERVPRO of Lawrence 978.688.2242 has the professional training and equipment to help make it “Like it never even happened.”

The Do’s and Don’ts of Water Damage

10/2/2019 (Permalink)

Learn the Do's and Don'ts with Water Damage

Water is a vital element to our survival. We drink it, need it to shower and, to water our plants. We use it to wash clothes, clean bathtubs, and flush waste down the toilet. Just like when the power goes out, if we don’t have access to water, we are lost. 

There as so many ways water can damage your home. A washing machine might overflow, a water heater might break, or a leaky pipe from the bathtub that has been slowly dripping for years has finally sent water gushing through two floors in your home. Now what? 

Below are a few clean water do’s and don’ts to help put you at ease and limit the amount of damage. Do:

  • Shut off water at the source if possible. If not, contact a qualified party as soon as possible.
  • Turn off circuit breakers for wet areas only when access to the power source is safe from electrical shock.
  • Remove as much excess water as possible by mopping and blotting. 
  • Wipe excess water from wood furniture after removing lamps and tabletop items. 
  • Remove and prop up wet upholstery cushions for even drying.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting. 
  • Remove to a safe, dry place, any paintings, art objects, computers, documents, and other materials that are valuable or sensitive to moisture. 
  • Hang draperies with coated hangers to avoid contact with wet carpeting or floors.


  • Enter rooms with standing water where electrical shock hazards my exist.
  • Enter affected areas if electrical outlets, switches, circuit breakers or electrical equipment are exposed to water.
  • Leave books, newspapers, magazines, or other colored items on wet carpets to cause staining.
  • Leave oriental rugs or other colored rugs on wet wall-to-wall carpets to cause staining.
  • Use your household vacuum cleaner to remove water, possibly causing electrical shock or damage to the vacuum cleaner.
  • Use TVs or other appliances while standing on wet carpets or floors, especially not on wet concrete floors.
  • Turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet or enter rooms where ceilings are sagging from retained water.

We at SERVPRO® of Lawrence are available 24/7 for emergency services. Call us at 603-893-9700 to schedule your no obligation quote today.

Preparing for the Inevitable in Dracut, MA

2/21/2019 (Permalink)

Home and business owners can take steps to prepare for disasters, but you can never fully prevent them from happening.

When it comes to life’s emergencies, it isn't a matter of if they will occur, but instead it's a matter of whenthey will occur.  Home and business owners can take steps to prepare for disasters, but you can never fully prevent them from happening. 

  • An old pipe bursts.
  • A storm creates flooding through your basement.
  • A washing machine malfunctions.

Chances are your home or business will eventually suffer some sort of emergency; which is why it is important to prepare now and know who to call, before disaster strikes.

SERVPRO® of Lawrence is trained to respond quickly, professionally and efficiently when   managing your loss. When your home or business is under water, every minute counts. That's why SERVPRO of Lawrence is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Should a disaster strike, call SERVPRO® of Lawrence at (978) 688-2242 to help make it "Like it never even happened."

Detecting the Water Behind the Scenes

2/21/2019 (Permalink)

Moisture Meters (pictured) are used to determine the actual moisture content of various materials.

Even small water damages have the potential to cause serious structural and indoor  air quality  issues over time that you may not be able to even see.

The key to avoiding costly future restoration is to handle every water problem as a real threat to your property. SERVPRO® of Lawrence has the equipment, training and experience to find and dry unseen water before secondary damages occur. The proper equipment makes a measurable difference in reducing the damage expense during a fire or water loss. When time matters, technology and equipment must be counted on to perform. SERVPRO® of Lawrence will answer your call with fast action and a full arsenal of drying equipment. Here are a few of the tools used by your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals.

  • Moisture Sensors are used to detect moisture in carpets, baseboards and Moisture Meters (pictured) are used to determine the actual moisture content of various materials. The moisture tester provides accurate readings, allowing SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals to monitor the drying process.
  • Thermohygrometers measure temperature and relative humidity. When armed with this information, SERVPRO® of Lawrence can calculate and create an environment most conclusive to drying.
  • When facing a contaminated water loss, it is not only important to dry the structure, but the structure must also be disinfected and often deodorized.
  • Ultra-Low-Volume (ULV) Foggers will atomize liquid deodorizing agents, producing a fine mist that can easily penetrate the site where odor-causing residues may accumulate. This device can also be used to inject fungicides and disinfectants into wall cavities and other hard-to-reach
  • Thermal Foggers (pictured) dispense solvent-based produces by creating a dense fog. The fog consists of tiny particles of deodorant solution that attach to and neutralize odor­ causing particles.

What is the bottom line? SERVPRO® of Lawrence (978-688-2242) has the training and equipment to help make it "Like it never even happened."

Prepare Your Home or Business for Winter

1/3/2019 (Permalink)

If the building has outdoor faucets, consider shutting water off at the main valve in the basement or crawl space.

Cold weather can have a huge impact on your home or business if you are not properly prepared. Whether it is heavy rain, freezing temperatures, damaging winds, sleet or snow, all can cause serious property damage. While you can't control the weather, you can take steps to be prepared, and help take the sting out of winter weather.

To help prevent costly damages due to weather, consider taking the following precautions before winter weather hits.

  • Check your home for downed tree limbs. Weather, such as wind, heavy rain, ice and snow, can cause branches to fall, which could cause damage to the property and potentially cause personal injuries.
  • Roofs, water pipes and gutters should all be inspected to ensure they are in proper order. Gutter downspouts should be directed away from your Clear gutters of debris that may have gathered during the fall. Leaves and other obstructions can lead to a damming effect, causing roof damage and interior water problems.
  • Inspect property, especially walkways and parking lots, for proper drainage to alleviate flood hazard. 
  • Inspect all hand rails, stairwells and entryways to address and correct potential slippery or hazardous areas. Install mats or non-slip surfaces and post caution signs where water could be present.
  • Protect water pipes from freezing by simply allowing water to drip when temperatures dip below If pipes are under a cabinet, leave the cabinet doors open allowing warm inside air to circulate around the pipes. If the building has outdoor faucets, consider shutting water off at the main valve in the basement or crawl space. Once the valve is off, open the outdoor faucet to ensure it drains, preventing any remaining water from freezing in the pipe

SERVPRO® of Lawrence is here to help you when disaster strikes. We are only a all away, 978-688-2242.

Damage doesn't wait for you to be ready

9/28/2018 (Permalink)

Flooding and water damage is very invasive. Water quickly spreads throughout your home and gets absorbed into floors, walls, furniture, and more.

Flooding and water emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours and neither do we. SERVPRO® of Lawrence provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including all holidays.

Faster To Any Size Disaster

Flooding and water damage is very invasive. Water quickly spreads throughout your home and gets absorbed into floors, walls, furniture, and more.  SERVPRO® of Lawrence arrives quickly and starts the water extraction process almost immediately. This immediate response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs.

Need Emergency Service? Call Us 24/7 – 978-688-2242

Water Damage Timeline

Within Minutes

  • Water quickly spreads throughout your property, saturating everything in its path.
  • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings.
  • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets.
  • Photographs, books, and other paper goods start to swell and warp.

Hours 1 - 24:

  • Drywall begins to swell and break down.
  • Metal surfaces begin to tarnish.
  • Furniture begins to swell and crack.
  • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread and stain.
  • A musty odor appears.

48 Hours to 1 Week:

  • Mold and mildew may grow and spread.
  • Doors, windows, and studs swell and warp.
  • Metal begins to rust and corrode.
  • Furniture warps and shows signs of mold.
  • Paint begins to blister.
  • Wood flooring swells and warps.
  • Serious biohazard contamination is possible.

More Than 1 Week:

  • Restoration time and cost increase dramatically; replacing contaminated materials and structural rebuilding may be extensive.
  • Structural safety, mold growth, and biohazard contaminants pose serious risks to occupants.

About SERVPRO® of Lawrence

SERVPRO® of Lawrence specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO®’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Meet Our Crew

Company Certifications

Learning how to be prepared!

9/28/2018 (Permalink)

"Disasters happen" and not only devastate individuals and neighborhoods, but entire communities, including businesses of all sizes.

This year for National Preparedness Month, join your community in preparing for emergencies and disasters of all types, and leading efforts to encourage the community as a whole to become more prepared.  We must work together as a team to ensure that our families, businesses, places of worship and neighborhoods are ready. At, companies can find vital information on how to begin preparing their organization and addressing their unique needs during an emergency. You can also contact your local SERVPRO® to find out more on how to be ready when disaster strikes with the Emergency READY Program®. If A Disaster Strikes, Will You Be Ready? It is important to prepare before a disaster occurs. Consider the following steps to help you better prepare for an emergency situation.

  • Sign up for local alerts and warnings, download apps and/ or check access for wireless emergency alerts. 
  • Develop and test emergency communication plans. 
  • Assemble or update emergency supplies. 
  • Learn about local hazards and conduct a drill to practice emergency response actions. 
  • Participate in a preparedness discussion, training or class. 
  • Collect and safeguard critical documents. 
  • Plan with neighbors to help each other and share resources. 
  • Document property and obtain appropriate insurance for relevant hazards. 
  • Make property improvements to reduce potential injury and property damage. 

Emergencies can happen anytime to anyone. Take action now to protect yourself and your property

Summer Storms Heading Your Way?

8/7/2018 (Permalink)

Summer storms can be beautiful to watch but also very dangerous to your home and office. In order to stay safe, please follow these and other safety tips for your home.

Before the Storm

  • Have an emergency supply kit on hand
  • Develop a communication plan with all members of your family
  • Unplug electrical equipment
  • Secure outdoor objects that could cause damage if they are thrown
  • Stay inside a building or hard top vehicle
  • Secure windows and doors

During the Storm

  • Use a battery operated radio for updates and alerts
  • Avoid contact with corded phones
  • Avoid contact with electrical equipment
  • Avoid contact with water
  • Stay away from windows and doors

After the Storm               

  • Do not touch any downed wires
  • Do not drive through a flooded roadway
  • Stay away from storm damaged areas

Keep you and your family safe through a storm. When in doubt, stay away from anything that may look suspicious.

When disaster does strike, call SERVPRO® of Lawrence to help make it "Like it never even happened."

Sensing Water In Your Home That You Can't See

1/11/2018 (Permalink)

The proper equipment makes a measurable difference in reducing the damage expense during a fire or water loss.

Even small water damages have the potential to cause serious structural and indoor  air quality  issues  over time.

The key to avoiding costly future restoration is to handle every water problem as a real threat to your property. SERVPRO® of Lawrence has the equipment, training and experience to find and dry unseen water before secondary damages occur. The proper equipment makes a measurable difference in reducing the damage expense during a fire or water loss. When time matters, technology and equipment must be counted on to perform. SERVPRO® of Lawrence will answer your call with fast action and a full arsenal of drying equipment. Here are a few of the tools used by your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals.

  • Moisture Sensors are used to detect moisture in carpets, baseboards and Moisture Meters (pictured) are used to determine the actual moisture content of various materials. The moisture tester provides accurate readings, allowing SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals to monitor the drying process.
  • Thermohygrometers measure temperature and relative humidity. When armed with this information, SERVPRO® of Lawrence can calculate and create an environment most conclusive to drying.
  • When facing a contaminated water loss, it is not only important to dry the structure, but the structure must also be disinfected and often deodorized.
  • Ultra-Low-Volume (ULV) Foggers will atomize liquid deodorizing agents, producing a fine mist that can easily penetrate the site where odor-causing residues may accumulate. This device can also be used to inject fungicides and disinfectants into wall cavities and other hard-to-reach
  • Thermal Foggers (pictured) dispense solvent-based produces by creating a dense fog. The fog consists of tiny particles of deodorant solution that attach to and neutralize odor­ causing particles.

What is the bottom line? SERVPRO® of Lawrence (978-688-2242) has the training and equipment to help make it "Like it never even happened."

When Your Methuen Home is Affected by Water Damage

1/11/2018 (Permalink)

Home and business owners can take steps to prepare for disasters, but you can never fully prevent them from happening.

When it comes to life’s emergencies, it isn't a matter of if they will occur­ it's a matter of when they will occur.  Home and business owners can take steps to prepare for disasters, but you can never fully prevent them from happening.  An old pipe bursts. A storm blows in dozens of gallons of water. A washing machine malfunctions. Chances are your home or business will eventually suffer some sort of emergency; that is why it is important to prepare now, before disaster strikes.

SERVPRO® of Lawrence is trained to respond quickly, professionally and efficiently when   managing your loss. When your home or business is under water, every minute counts. That's why SERVPRO of Lawrence is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

In this blogyou'll find more information including:

  • The dangers of
  • What to do following water damage.

Should a disaster strike, call SERVPRO® of Lawrence at (978) 688-2242 to help make it "Like it never even happened."

Lawrence, Methuen, and Dracut Residents: We Specialize in Flooded Basement Cleanup and Restoration!

11/22/2017 (Permalink)

A basement can flood at any time, although flooding most often occurs during heavy rainfall. Basements are inherently prone to flooding because they are the lowest level of a building and are normally built partly or entirely below ground level. There are a number of reasons why your Lawrence, Methuen, or Dracut basement could flood, including: 

  • A blocked or failed sewer lateral pipe
  • Heavy rain causes surface water to pool around your home
  • Storm sewer backup
  • Sanitary sewer backup
  • Foundation drainage failure
  • Water supply-line break or hot-water tank failure
  • And many more

Have Questions about Basement Flooding?

Call Today - 978-688-2242

If flood water is not handled quickly and properly, it can jeopardize your health and safety, and cause severe damage to your home’s structure. Remember, the longer you wait, the worse the problem will get.

The bottom line: a flooded basement can jeopardize your health, safety, and your home’s integrity. It’s worth making a call to SERVPRO of Lawrence and let our trained, professional crews handle the situation safely and correctly. We have earned the trust of hundreds of homeowners, business owners, and property professionals.

We are Flooded Basement Specialists:

  • We are Available 24 hours/7 days per week
  • We’re a Preferred Vendor to many National Insurance Companies
  • We Bill The Insurance Directly – One Less Thing For You To Worry About
  • Our Technicians are Highly-Trained  in Water Restoration Techniques
  • We use s500 IICRC Restoration Standards
  • Advanced Inspection and Extraction Equipment

Call us for assistance in cleaning your flooded basement at 978-688-2242

Water Damage Doesn't Wait Until You Are Home or at Work

9/21/2017 (Permalink)

Water damages do not wait until you are there to see them. But when yo do find it, call us!

Flooding and water emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours and neither do we. SERVPRO® of Lawrence provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including all holidays.

Faster To Any Size Disaster

Flooding and water damage is very invasive. Water quickly spreads throughout your home and gets absorbed into floors, walls, furniture, and more.  SERVPRO® of Lawrence arrives quickly and starts the water extraction process almost immediately. This immediate response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs.

Need Emergency Service? Call Us 24/7 – 978-688-2242

Water Damage Timeline

Within Minutes

  • Water quickly spreads throughout your property, saturating everything in its path.
  • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings.
  • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets.
  • Photographs, books, and other paper goods start to swell and warp.

Hours 1 - 24:

  • Drywall begins to swell and break down.
  • Metal surfaces begin to tarnish.
  • Furniture begins to swell and crack.
  • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread and stain.
  • A musty odor appears.

48 Hours to 1 Week:

  • Mold and mildew may grow and spread.
  • Doors, windows, and studs swell and warp.
  • Metal begins to rust and corrode.
  • Furniture warps and shows signs of mold.
  • Paint begins to blister.
  • Wood flooring swells and warps.
  • Serious biohazard contamination is possible.

More Than 1 Week:

  • Restoration time and cost increase dramatically; replacing contaminated materials and structural rebuilding may be extensive.
  • Structural safety, mold growth, and biohazard contaminants pose serious risks to occupants.

About SERVPRO® of Lawrence

SERVPRO® of Lawrence specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO®’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Meet Our Crew

Company Certifications

This Old House's Tips on Preventing Plumbing Leaks

9/21/2017 (Permalink)

Preventing leaks is the first key to keeping your home dry, but SERVPRO of Lawrence is here when something goes wrong.

This Old House uses plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey to show homeowners how to detect and stop plumbing leaks that can be common in homes. 

This video shows the following steps (taken from the This Old House website):

1. Use a battery-powered moisture sensor for most-basic level of protection.
2. Set moisture sensor on floor beside water heater, washing machine or sink. If a leak occurs, the sensor will sound an alarm.
3. A wireless shut-off valve can be connected to several wireless moisture sensors. When a leak is detected, the valve automatically shuts off the water flow.
4. Place a drip pan beneath a water heater to catch any leaks. However, it's important to connect the pan to a nearby drain.
5. For a higher level of water-heater security, install an automatic shut-off valve with moisture sensor.
6. If you can't raise the water heater to slide in a drip pan, wrap a flexible water dam around the base of the heater. Then set a water sensor inside the dam to detect moisture.
7. Set your washing machine on top of a plastic pan, then run a drainpipe from the pan to a nearby floor drain.
8. Install an automatic shut-off valve with moisture sensor to the wall directly behind the washing machine.
9. Plug in the washing machine and then attach the two water hoses. The valve will automatically shut-off the sensor detects a leak.
10. To prevent damage from busted water-supply lines, install an in-line automatic shut-off valve.

Prevention is the best way, but when a water damage does occur, reach out to the professionals who will make it "Like it never even happened." SERVPRO of Lawrence is here to help!

Do's and Don'ts of Summer Storms

8/7/2017 (Permalink)

Floods kill an average of 140 people per year in the U.S., making flooding the most deadly disaster.

Summer storms can be beautiful to watch but also very dangerous to your home and office. In order to stay safe, please follow these and other safety tips for your home.

Before the Storm

  • Have an emergency supply kit on hand
  • Develop a communication plan with all members of your family
  • Unplug electrical equipment
  • Secure outdoor objects that could cause damage if they are thrown
  • Stay inside a building or hard top vehicle
  • Secure windows and doors

During the Storm

  • Use a battery operated radio for updates and alerts
  • Avoid contact with corded phones
  • Avoid contact with electrical equipment
  • Avoid contact with water
  • Stay away from windows and doors

After the Storm               

  • Do not touch any downed wires
  • Do not drive through a flooded roadway
  • Stay away from storm damaged areas

Keep you and your family safe through a storm. When in doubt, stay away from anything that may look suspicious.

Turning Your Worst Nightmare into a Happily Ever After in Lawrence, MA

2/20/2017 (Permalink)

The benefits of rapid mitigation are two-fold: Your costs go down as potential hazards may be avoided, and your peace of mind goes through the roof.

Imagine it is 8:00 a.m. on a Tuesday, and you walk into your office after a relaxing long weekend expecting to switch on the lights, start the coffee pot, and check your emails.

The only problem? A water pipe has burst over the weekend, releasing water all over your furniture, walls, floors, and contents. This can't be solved with your shop vac or a mop.  What do you do now?

When it's your home or business that's underwater, mitigation can't wait. You need mitigation to begin almost before the problem even occurredIf water damage strikes you or your customers, give SERVPRO of Lawrence a call immediately.

The cost of water damages can increase exponentially with time.   Wood floors warp, dry wall soaks in moisture and mold develops in hard-to­ reach areas of your home or business. The benefits of rapid mitigation by SERVPRO of Salem/Plaistow are two-fold: Your costs go down as potential hazards may be avoided, and your peace of mind goes through the roof.

So if the unimaginable happens to your place of work or where you live, allow your SERVPRO of Lawrence to help make your "before" into a "happily ever after." Call us today at (603) 893-9700

Water Damage in Your Dracut Home

1/10/2017 (Permalink)

Home and business owners can take steps to prepare for disasters, but you can never fully prevent them from happening

When it comes to life’s emergencies, it isn't a matter of if they will occur­ it's a matter of when they will occur.  Home and business owners can take steps to prepare for disasters, but you can never fully prevent them from happening.  An old pipe bursts. A storm blows in dozens of gallons of water. A washing machine malfunctions. Chances are your home or business will eventually suffer some sort of emergency; that is why it is important to prepare now, before disaster strikes.

SERVPRO® of Lawrence is trained to respond quickly, professionally and efficiently when   managing your loss. When your home or business is under water, every minute counts. That's why SERVPRO of Lawrence is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

In this blog, you'll find more information including:

  • The dangers of
  • What to do following water damage.

Should a disaster strike, call SERVPRO® of Lawrence at (978) 688-2242 to help make it "Like it never even happened."

Ways to Sense Water

1/10/2017 (Permalink)

Moisture Meters (pictured) are used to determine the actual moisture content of various materials.

Even small water damages have the potential to cause serious structural and indoor  air quality  issues  over time.

The key to avoiding costly future restoration is to handle every water problem as a real threat to your property. SERVPRO® of Lawrence has the equipment, training and experience to find and dry unseen water before secondary damages occur. The proper equipment makes a measurable difference in reducing the damage expense during a fire or water loss. When time matters, technology and equipment must be counted on to perform. SERVPRO® of Lawrence will answer your call with fast action and a full arsenal of drying equipment. Here are a few of the tools used by your local SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals.

  • Moisture Sensors are used to detect moisture in carpets, baseboards and Moisture Meters (pictured) are used to determine the actual moisture content of various materials. The moisture tester provides accurate readings, allowing SERVPRO® Franchise Professionals to monitor the drying process.
  • Thermohygrometers measure temperature and relative humidity. When armed with this information, SERVPRO® of Lawrence can calculate and create an environment most conclusive to drying.
  • When facing a contaminated water loss, it is not only important to dry the structure, but the structure must also be disinfected and often deodorized.
  • Ultra-Low-Volume (ULV) Foggers will atomize liquid deodorizing agents, producing a fine mist that can easily penetrate the site where odor-causing residues may accumulate. This device can also be used to inject fungicides and disinfectants into wall cavities and other hard-to-reach
  • Thermal Foggers (pictured) dispense solvent-based produces by creating a dense fog. The fog consists of tiny particles of deodorant solution that attach to and neutralize odor­ causing particles.

What is the bottom line? SERVPRO® of Lawrence (978-688-2242) has the training and equipment to help make it "Like it never even happened."

Previous Customers Give the Best Referrals

10/5/2016 (Permalink)

It is always great to have our customer's spread the word about what we do. And it is awesome to run into a former client at an outside event. Here in her blog, Ali talks about her great experience with us!

"And I have to note that this wedding was a big reunion for some of us vendors. Not only did I get to work with Matt from Fisher Video, who is my go-to when it comes to who to recommend for videography, we also saw one of our favorite DJs, Kibar, from Main Event Entertainment who was there as a wedding guest. (I even saw the wonderful Paul who led the team from Servepro who cleaned all the water out of my office after the Great Flood of 2015.)"

To read more, about Ali's work, please visit her blog.

Faster to your Lawrence, Methuen, or Dracut Water Damage Event

10/4/2016 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® of Lawrence provides 24 hour fire and water damage restoration service in Lawrence, Methuen, and Dracut, MA

Flooding and water emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours and neither do we. SERVPRO® of Lawrence provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including all holidays.

Faster To Any Size Disaster

Flooding and water damage is very invasive. Water quickly spreads throughout your home and gets absorbed into floors, walls, furniture, and more.  SERVPRO® of Lawrence arrives quickly and starts the water extraction process almost immediately. This immediate response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs.

Need Emergency Service? Call Us 24/7 – 978-688-2242

Water Damage Timeline

Within Minutes

  • Water quickly spreads throughout your property, saturating everything in its path.
  • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings.
  • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets.
  • Photographs, books, and other paper goods start to swell and warp.

Hours 1 - 24:

  • Drywall begins to swell and break down.
  • Metal surfaces begin to tarnish.
  • Furniture begins to swell and crack.
  • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread and stain.
  • A musty odor appears.

48 Hours to 1 Week:

  • Mold and mildew may grow and spread.
  • Doors, windows, and studs swell and warp.
  • Metal begins to rust and corrode.
  • Furniture warps and shows signs of mold.
  • Paint begins to blister.
  • Wood flooring swells and warps.
  • Serious biohazard contamination is possible.

More Than 1 Week:

  • Restoration time and cost increase dramatically; replacing contaminated materials and structural rebuilding may be extensive.
  • Structural safety, mold growth, and biohazard contaminants pose serious risks to occupants.

About SERVPRO® of Lawrence

SERVPRO® of Lawrence specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO®’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Meet Our Crew

Company Certifications

Lawrence, Methuen, and Dracut Residents: We Specialize in Flooded Basement Cleanup and Restoration!

9/6/2016 (Permalink)

This is a home’s basement flooded.

A basement can flood at any time, although flooding most often occurs during heavy rainfall. Basements are inherently prone to flooding because they are the lowest level of a building and are normally built partly or entirely below ground level. There are a number of reasons why your Lawrence, Methuen, or Dracut basement could flood, including: 

  • A blocked or failed sewer lateral pipe
  • Heavy rain causes surface water to pool around your home
  • Storm sewer backup
  • Sanitary sewer backup
  • Foundation drainage failure
  • Water supply-line break or hot-water tank failure
  • And many more

Have Questions about Basement Flooding?

Call Today - 978-688-2242

If flood water is not handled quickly and properly, it can jeopardize your health and safety, and cause severe damage to your home’s structure. Remember, the longer you wait, the worse the problem will get.

The bottom line: a flooded basement can jeopardize your health, safety, and your home’s integrity. It’s worth making a call to SERVPRO of Lawrence and let our trained, professional crews handle the situation safely and correctly. We have earned the trust of hundreds of homeowners, business owners, and property professionals.

We are Flooded Basement Specialists:

  • We are Available 24 hours/7 days per week
  • We’re a Preferred Vendor to many National Insurance Companies
  • We Bill The Insurance Directly – One Less Thing For You To Worry About
  • Our Technicians are Highly-Trained  in Water Restoration Techniques
  • We use s500 IICRC Restoration Standards
  • Advanced Inspection and Extraction Equipment

Call us for assistance in cleaning your flooded basement at 978-688-2242

Unseen Water Can Cause the Most Damage

8/16/2016 (Permalink)

Our goal is helping homeowners and business owners alike return to “Like it never even happened.” When in doubt, call SERVPRO® of Lawrence.

You have been away for ten days on vacation, you arrive home at 9pm on a Sunday night and what do you want do? Probably get home, relax, and call it a night. But when you walk in and a pipe has burst while you are gone? That changes everything.

In order to save money, people can sometimes use their own tools to stop and dry up water damage. But, unfortunately, sometimes the unseen water in your home or office can cause the most problems. Hidden behind walls, cabinets or under flooring can be pooled water or moisture that will cause greater health risks to your home and family later on. Here at SERVPRO® of Lawrence, we have the tools to see that hidden damage and help stop potential problems.

  • Moisture Sensors – these will detect moisture in carpet, walls, and baseboards.
  • Moisture Meters – these determine the level of moisture in materials. These can either penetrate or not the materials, depending on what they are to help monitor the progress of drying throughout the job.
  • Thermohygrometers – these devices help monitor the temperature and relative humidity in the air. These two are a large part in the drying process and help the SERVPRO® professionals determine how to adjust the process along the way.
  • Infrared Cameras – this helps identify the areas that have hidden moisture and document its location. These cameras identify temperature differences in materials from where the areas are cooling (water has been evaporating) and where it is still affected by the moisture.
  • Our goal is helping homeowners and business owners alike return to “Like it never even happened.” When in doubt, call SERVPRO® of Lawrence.